Friday, October 3, 2008

Pictures at the temple :)

Coming through the doors as husband and wife... It was all SOO surreal. It was almost as if I was watching all of this happen... not actually being there. Best BESTBEST day of my life.
Hahahah This is a typical picture of me. My mouth wide open, laughing at something... Even though it's not the most attractive picture, I just thought I'd show something with my personality.
Mace. He is SOOOO handsome. When carla saw these pictures she was like... "Who does he think he is? Joseph SMith?" hahaha because he looks all .... high and mighty... and hot... lol
I love this picture! Look at preston. he really is interested in something else! And look at Jordan in the back. hahaha When I noticed that, I was laughing sooo hard!
Mom and Son .

Me, Kris, and Christian! :)
Me and my favorite sister in the whole entire world! :)
hahahah either mom didn't know they were taking the picture, or the sun was in her eyes!


Marwa Hasan Abdel Salam, Translator said...

Nice Pictures. I loved the ones by the lake.

Loni & Dwayne said...

Lauren your pictures are beautiful. I'm so glad you are loving the married life :) Dwayne and I have a blog as well. Check it out at

Stephanie said...

Hey Lauren! Cute cute blog! :) I love all the pictures! :) We have a blog too and I added you to mine :) it's

Angeline Wong said...

Hi, thanks for dropping by my blog. Congrats on your wedding. Love the pictures. Well i was a 10 - 15 meters away from my friends, and when they are about to jump, i start clicking.

Kylar said...

No way I didn't know you had a blog!! I found you on Stephanie's, I love blogs!! I"m totally adding you to mine!

Jared and Kristin said...

Hey Laur! Love your blog! I didn't know you had one! It's because of me?Yay! Cute pictures. Love ya. ")